Season 3 Episode 6 (25): ViVE Health Equity Series - Expect and Wolomi

If you’ve been paying any attention to health news and health equity discussions over the past few years, you know that the maternal mortality rate for Black women is 2.6 TIMES the rate for white women in the RICHEST country in the world. This is unacceptable.

The two founders we’re talking to today are standing up for women and pushing a system that continuously underserves women of color by design, to work for all women, and thus, all of US. 

Welcome to Treat Us Right, Expect and Wolomi.

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Episode Summary

In this episode, two companies focused on women's health and wellness are featured. The first company, Expect, is a streaming fitness platform specifically designed for pregnancy and postnatal fitness. The workouts on Expect are approved by OBGYNs and aim to improve outcomes for both mothers and babies. The founder, Dara Cook, discusses the importance of maternal fitness and the need to make it accessible to all women, especially women of color who are disproportionately affected by maternal mortality rates. The second company, Wolomi, is a digital platform that provides support and resources for women of color during their pregnancy and motherhood journey. The founder, Layo George, emphasizes the importance of creating a safe space for moms and addressing maternal mental health. Both companies are working towards promoting health equity and overcoming challenges such as fundraising and partnering with health plans.