Welcome to Care3 for SDP!

(Bookmark this page! You will come back to it.)

It’s time to transform your approach to family and personal health.

Shh…here’s the secret: The power is inside all of us!

The key steps to enroll in SDP (and add Care3 as a service in your Spending Plan) are simple but enrollment takes time.

(Our advice - get an Independent Facilitator. They make this process much smoother than trying to go it alone.)

Steps to set up and enroll in SDP:

  1. Set your Individual Program Plan (IPP)

  2. Set your Annual Budget (this is the total $$ you will have to spend)

  3. Create your Spending Plan (itemizes each service that makes up the total budget. Care3 is a Technology Service - Code 336)

  4. Get approval from Regional Center (may have to iterate on 2-3)

  5. Good to go! You’re enrolled in SDP

This process can take 3-9 months, but it’s worth it! Trust us. Our CEO has two children in SDP and it has changed lives.

Ready? Here we go…

As part of Step 3, here’s how we’ll set up Care3 as a service provider AND personalize the Care3 app experience for your SDP situation.

I. Add Care3 to Spending Plan

As a Care3 for SDP Member, we work with you and your Independent Facilitator (IF) to add Care3 to your Spending Plan (step 3 above).

Each service you itemize in your Spending Plan requires a Service Code. Technology Services is Code 336. That is the code you use for your Care3 for SDP Annual Membership of $450.

List of SDP Service Codes (PDF)

There is only one upfront payment (no monthly recurring billing).

II. Preparing Care3 Invoice for FMS

Each service provider must send you an invoice to get paid for services. Each FMS has their own requirements, but they typically require your signature to confirm the service.

Once you are enrolled in SDP, Care3 will send you an invoice to get paid. If we already have a contract with the FMS, then payment is very prompt. If we do not have a contract, that’s OK. It only takes about a week for us to contract with the FMS and we will then get paid once our contract agreement is finalized.

Sample Care3 Invoice for FMS (PDF)

When you’re enrolled, let us know and we will send you the invoice for your signature and to forward to your FMS.

III. Complete Care3 Personalization Form

Your responses help us personalize the Care3 mobile app experience for your family needs. We will notify you when your Personalized Action Plan is ready (usually within one business day!)

Complete Personalization Form

IV. Download the Care3 App

Once you download the mobile app, set up your account using the SAME EMAIL as you added in your Personalization Form.

Download Care3 Mobile App

V. Watch Care3 App Training

This is a MUST! After only 15 minutes, you will be a power user. Make sure your staff watches…more on that later.

View Care3 Online Training

VI. Invite Others to Personalized Action Plan

Inviting others to Care3 is easy. If you have caregivers, make sure they watch the online training. Make it mandatory. This is their job!

Instructions: How To Invite Others to Care3 (PDF)

Now you’re ready!

You have everything in place to get the most out of SDP and the Care3 app. It’s yours and we’re here for you!

(Note: Bookmark this page!)